Sunday, March 8, 2009

Kids Series

I'm in the middle of a kids series of watercolor paintings. I will be adding more as I get them done. Here are the first two.

Blue Whale

9"x12" watercolor on watercolor paper (not for sale)

Purple Guy

9"x12" watercolor on watercolor paper (not for sale)


  1. I love these! Can't wait to see more!

  2. The purple guy is my favorite. Can I have him in a book cover and especially in a bookmark style?

  3. Ginni didn't mention this, but I am going to. The Purple Guy was inspired by a drawing by Leah. She has gotten into making big circles with eyes, a mouth, and arms and legs (sometimes way too long and not connected very well, but she clearly states that those legs and arms go with a specific circle face).

    I just had to be the proud Daddy.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Purple Guy is my favorite! Thanks Leah. Keep 'em coming!

  6. Maybe you should continue to look to the kids for the inspiration - Derek has some little aliens/monsters/etc that are pretty cute. Maybe you should check them out.

  7. I love the cute little whale. Scott and are trying to come up with ideas of what and how to decorate the baby's room. We have to find out what it is first :0) But the whale would be a cute addition to our bare walls. Keep 'em coming! You are inspiring us.
