I loved the color scheme of the Small Orange and Red Trees so much that I decided to do a larger one. All said and done, I like the small one the best. These trees are too uniform. I still like it well enough to hang it up in my house, until it gets sold that is. I think I'll do some more trees, in different colors and different sizes.
Notice the new signature. If it were up to me I would leave the signature off of my paintings because I think the signature detracts from the composition. Alas, I want people to know who's paintings they are so I include it. My last signature worked for many years, but I finally decided it was too long (thanks for my long maiden name Dad). No one can read it anyway, so I opted for this signature instead. It also incorporates my married name (which my husband is happy about). I can also do it really small so it is not as obtrusive in the composition.
Love love love love love love love the trees. And the signature. But mostly the trees.